I like shopping. I love to shop for presents for other people. I adore shopping for presents for me. I especially like to find something I love on sale. But I even love to window shop, to look at all the pretty things in jewellery shop windows, even though I rarely have any desire to buy them. I guess I’m a bit of a shopaholic. But, the first step is admitting you have a problem, right? So, for those of you who are still in denial about your own shopping addiction, I have decided to compile my own list of the top ten signs that you are a shopaholic:
- The words ‘new’ and ‘improved’ bring tears of joy to your eyes.
- As you are walking by your favourite shoe store, the sales clerk waves or greets you by name. (Okay, who am I kidding? I never just can walk BY my favourite shoe store!)
- When choosing your dentist, accountant or manicurist, you always choose the one closest to the mall.
- You spend more than 10 minutes a day trying to think of things you need at the store.
- When you can’t think of anything, you misplace, shred, or eat the last of something just so you can go try to find the ‘new’ or ‘improved’ version.
- You decide where to meet your best friend for lunch based on which of your favourite stores are nearby.
- There is at least one unused item in your pantry/closet/bookcase that you were sure you would eat/wear/read but is now past its ‘best before date.’
- You can smell a shoe store a block away.
- The women or men you used to undress with your eyes, you now fantasize about re-dressing in the latest fashions.
- You are happy to admit you have a shopping addiction because you saw this great self-help book on the subject and it was half-price.
number 10 is my favourite! book on sale are my own personal jesus.
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