Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

Okay, I have been tagged both in Facebook and on a good friend’s blog and I’m afraid they will take my poor blog away, citing abandonment, so here I am giving my all (or at least all that is left at the end of the day) to the “25 Random Things About Me” tagging war.

1. I didn’t know what my favourite colour was until I was 34 yeas old.
2. I married young and divorced old and have now settled somewhere in between.
3. I finally broke down and bought ‘progressive lens’ glasses.
4. Progressive lens are so not bifocals!
5. I was kind of dizzy for a week, and I kind of liked it.
6. I adore orange tic tacs and will sometimes eat them until my mouth hurts.
7. A chocolate bar usually lasts me more than a week.
8. I used to wear underwear over my nylons to keep them up.
9. For three years I allowed myself to love country music for a man. I am only a little ashamed.
10. I am desperately afraid of graduating.
11. I am desperately afraid of not graduating.
12. I have been going through Peri-menopause for three years.
13. I once got locked in a wardrobe with my best friend and my sister. I was very scared, but part of me knew my sister would get us out of there. She did. She always does.
14. She also put me in dryer.
15. And turned it on.
16. I am on a first-name basis with my friend Hot Flash. I kind of enjoy our relationship. Weird.
17. I have embarrassing baby toenails. Don’t ask.
18. I can’t roll my tongue and I feel it is one of the great disappointments in my life.
19. If I won the lottery, I would still do what I am doing. But, I’d have more shoes.
20. I dyed my hair purple because I was in a bad mood and I wanted to give the finger to the world.
21. I kept it purple because the world smiled back.
22. I love movies that have dancing or figure skating as central themes.
23. I listen to pre-recorded ocean sounds to help me sleep.
24. One of my pet peeves is when people say “To tell you the honest truth…” As opposed to the dishonest truth? C’mon.
25. I have a scar on my face from a riding accident. Okay, the horse was metal and had handles growing out of his head, but still…

If you read this on my blog (which only has two subscribers, I’m sure) then you have been tagged. Unless you are my sister, but only because by the time all of your kids have tagged you, I think we’ll all end up knowing more about you than you would otherwise want us to ;).


Anonymous said...

whew and hooooboy, I laughed.

Unknown said...

Just one more question. How did it feel like being tumbled around in the dryer? As a kid, I always wanted to be in one.

Maybe the dryer experience helped you develop a good relationship with Hot Flash.

Shells said...

Loretta, the memory is a lot more fun than the experience itself was. There were definitely bruises involved! But who knows? Maybe it is the familiarity that makes me so comfortable with Ms. Hot Flash ;).

jacks said...

k - thank sweet baby jesus that you blogged! and i hope this has made you realize how abandoned we all felt without your bloggy goodness!

and hehe - biggest surprises: country music and weirdo toenails.

um, can i see 'em?

thanks for fulfilling your tag duty and keep blogging dammit - this stuff is gold lovely. pure gold.

Anonymous said...

I love even your baby toe nails

Shells said...

Um...okay no anonymous loving of my toenails!