Although I am not Catholic and have never been to confessional, I am beginning to feel the draw of the blog, much like I would imagine some are drawn to the confessional. However, unlike the confessional (or my very limited understanding of it,) the blog-fessional encourages not only a confession of our ‘sins’ but also offers a self-congratulatory aspect as well.
I am currently very encouraged by my progress over the last 10 days. I have managed to attend various meetings, shop for and celebrate my son’s 21st birthday, put up two Christmas trees and still make progress on the dreaded comprehensive exam. I have progressed from three books left to read and seven and a half annotations left to write to 1.5 books left to read and 2.5 annotations left to write. Further evidence of my progress is the state of my ‘desk.’
On December 2nd I wrote:
Along with my beloved laptop (whose name is Karma, by the way), are my house keys, a half-eaten bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs, a package of Christmas ornament hooks, a coupon for Old Navy, my cell phone, a purple ribbon that I have forgotten to wear, a broken pen, scissors, a stapler, my second favourite ring and 43 cents. Don’t even get me started on what’s on my REAL desk!
An update:
Along with my beloved laptop are my wallet, glasses case, a bottle of high-potency vitamin B, candy, a flosser, a pencil and a cell phone.
Now that’s progress! Life is good. (Although I’m still not ready to talk about what is piled on my other desk!)
as a recovering catholic i can tell you that blog-fession is much better! i was always so afraid of the judgment that i avoided going. at least here on the internets, the judgment is silent - most of the time! i pleased that you are pleased with your progress and that you are kicking your comp's ass! way to go shells bells!
Ahhh the joys of confession! Great that the list of books and annotations is dwindling! You have every reason to be proud of yourself, even if pride is one of the seven deadly sins!
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